We have 10 years of experience serving coffees in our busy coffee shop in Totnes as well as at various markets and festivals. As a result, we have gained a solid understanding of what customers want as well as what baristas need.  We can work with you to develop a blend for your customers and support your baristas in all areas of their role.

We buy only speciality beans rated at 82 or above so you are guaranteed a high level of quality.  We then roast them to develop their individual traits and blend to enhance a perfectly balanced flavour profile.  When we can we buy mono varietal beans as we believe, much like wine, growers have chosen to grow that plant on that terrain so are experts in nurturing the beans to their best.  We roast small batches as frequently as required to ensure the freshness of the beans.  

We offer a full training package to your staff; we welcome them to the roastery to see the full roasting process and hold coffee training in The Curator as well as at your place. Whether its a refresher course or a more in depth understanding of coffee, we can meet your needs.  

We can offer consultation regarding coffee equipment and are proud to be the distributors in Devon of Victoria Arduino.